Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain in Honolulu, HI

Low back pain is a discomfort affecting the lower portion of your spine. It can stem from various causes, including muscle strains, herniated discs, or poor posture. When you visit Tanner Crass, DPT at EnPhysio for help, he'll assess your condition and create a tailored physical therapy plan. Tanner Crass, DPT aims to strengthen your core muscles, improve flexibility, and correct posture imbalances through targeted exercises. For example, he might guide you through gentle stretches that alleviate tension in your lower back, coupled with progressive exercises like pelvic tilts to engage your muscles. Additionally, Tanner Crass, DPT could employ manual techniques such as joint mobilization to reduce low back pain and improve mobility. Tanner Crass, DPT seeks to address the root causes of your lower back pain and empower you with tools to manage and prevent it effectively.

Low Back Pain: Signs and Symptoms

Low back pain can manifest as aching, stiffness, or sharp discomfort anywhere in your lower back area. You might experience limited mobility, making standing straight or moving comfortably uneasy. Shooting pain down one leg, known as sciatica, could also be present. If you notice persistent numbness, tingling, or weakness in your legs, it's a cause for concern. Sudden weight loss, unexplained fever, bladder/bowel control issues, or back pain might indicate a more dangerous problem. Chronic pain that doesn't improve with rest and over-the-counter pain relievers requires a medical professional. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience severe back pain after a fall or accident or have a history of cancer. Additionally, back pain accompanied by chest pain or difficulty breathing warrants urgent evaluation.

Physical Therapy for Low Back Pain

Physical therapy for low back pain alleviates discomfort, improves flexibility, and enhances overall functionality. Your initial session involves an assessment of your medical history, pain intensity, and mobility limitations. The therapist will tailor a personalized plan, combining exercises, stretches, and manual techniques. For example, expect to engage in exercises that strengthen your core muscles, such as pelvic tilts and bridging, to stabilize your lower back. Manual therapies like gentle spinal manipulation or massage might relieve tension and pain. As you progress, Tanner Crass, DPT will adjust the regimen, gradually advancing the exercises to challenge your back's endurance. You'll receive advice on proper body mechanics for daily activities to prevent future strain during treatment. Expect steady improvements, reduced pain, increased range of motion, and enhanced quality of life.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Accelerate your recovery and regain mobility with our specialized physical therapy programs for low back pain. To book an appointment with Tanner Crass, DPT at EnPhysio, call (808) 201-8489.

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